Saturday, January 24, 2009

Well this is weird

So I guess this is my first real post, but for some reason it isn't from Berlin.

Anyway I joined the facebook group for my program and as I was searching through the people on it I noticed that a girl from my German class in high school (and middle school for that matter) is on the same program. That is so weird. Especially since she was there in the fall.

Oh well

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I have yet another blog!

Well most of you haven't known me for a million years so you only know me throw one blog or another, but I'm here for Berlin. I don't have any exciting plans for this blog yet because I find that my plans always seem to fall through or not actually come to fruition for one reason or another. Though by making this blog before I even get to Berlin means I probably have some sort of intention for it, who knows. One thing I will definitely do is post a link to this blog on plans and keep it there for at least a while.

I suppose also I will try and use it exclusively for Berlin purposes, like pictures I guess? I have a digital camera now so I should probably remember to bring it with me.

The title of this blog, for those of you uncultured enough to not know, comes from a slight manipulation of a lyric by Ideal from their smash hit "Berlin", I felt it was appropriate. Also I hate commas and semicolons but that's for another blog. I probably won't start it though because I don't really care enough to do it though.

I have love for most men