Sunday, February 22, 2009

One week from now I am sure that I will be frantically packing and wavering back and forth between taking the banjo or leaving the damn thing here.

I really wished I had the discipline to practice more and it would be fun to have, but mostly it'll just be another thing to carry around.

In other news I can't sleep!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm pretty sure I'm going to come back from Germany acting like this

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Big News

IES finally emailed me where I'm living, though they say it won't be final until I arrive in Germany.

I'm living in Neukölln which is one of Berlin's boroughs, and apparently has a high percentage of immigrants, which I think is cool.

Here's the wiki entry

Anyway I'm living with a woman in her 50's named Frau Hilde. I am looking forward to addressing her as Frau Hilde ALL THE TIME.