This was seriously the only interesting part of Marienberg now that I think about it.
Yeah they're aussteiging in whatever direction they please, they're polish they do was sie wollen.
I'm being a little unfair to Marienberg, I'm sure it's a pretty little town, it just seemed like all we were doing there was visiting a castle. And if any of my readers have ever been to Germany, or Europe in general for that matter, you fully understand that one castle is enough to last a lifetime. Though the Schloss at Marienberg is actually very impressive considering it was entirely rebuilt after the second world war under a communist regime, it still doesn't excuse the fact that Castles for the most part just aren't very interesting places. I took tons of pictures and I will post them at picasa as soon as I've sifted through them.
After the castle Marcin took us to field where he said a hotel was supposed to be built. The only problem was that it turned out that the field was full of 2000 corpses. Yeah, that was nice and pleasant to hear right after touring a castle and before eating lunch.
Lunch was awesome though, Marcin took us to this really great Polish place that had Pierogi, which is one of my new favorite foods (as are most polish foods actually). It's basically a polish dumpling but it's so good.
Afterward we went to a polish super market and I was a little depressed by how indistinguishable it was from an American one. Seriously get rid of the polish aisle labels and it's basically an american store.
At any rate we bought provisions for the long train ride to Warsaw (about six hours) and gathered at the train station you see in the photo. The train we were one was actually really nice, we had our own compartment and the six hours went by surprisingly fast. The Polish country side is actually very pretty, although there are some parts where you wonder how the hell do people live in places this remote. We actually saw clumps of houses surrounded by nothing but fields and the railroad. I guess living in Grinnell isn't much different, except I think these people might find Grinnell to be a sprawling metropolis instead of a quaint little Iowa town.
We got into Warsaw kind of late, luckily the hotel was still serving dinner. The hotel we stayed at this time wasn't as authentically polish as in Danzig. I was a little disappointed by this, but at the same time everyone working at the hotel spoke English so at least communication was easier.
I ate like three plates of food before finally calling it quits. Thomas and Stephanie had a desert eating contest that eventually pissed off the people working the dining area because they were ready to close up shop.
Afterwards I went clubbing and stuff happened that I don't want my parents knowing about.
Next time, Warsaw proper!
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